So I have paid my debt to society, but I don't think the system is right or fair at all. The ban has not made me a "better " person, because I thought I was an alright person before! It hasn't made me a better driver because I know my driving was perfectly safe before, (no claims in 20 years). It has made me more cynical of the justice system, and more bitter about the drivers I see everyday doing much worser things than I ever did and apparently getting away scot free....
I feel less inclined to be positive towards the justice system, because they have screwed me over to the tune of probably about £3000 and I haven't done as much harm to society as many I see every day!
Anyway, rant over, the actual driving yesterday was uneventful. it felt like I hadn't driven since the night before, never mind 6 months ago! Next weekend the bike will be available to me, then I can really believe it's all over!