Again we took to the back roads, driving to Lake Louise on the old Route 1, an amazing journey, huge mountains on either side and few other cars. At Lake Louise village we headed up the valley to the actual lake and guess what....
A Black bear appeared at the side of the road! We pulled in and watched, the bear peered over the roadside barrier, seemed to look left, right, and left again, and then crossed in front of us! No more than 4 yards away! A great sight!
At the lake we “sightseed” - a wonderful beauty spot, the water is very green – all to do with the minerals apparently. We then set off to walk a trail up to Lake Agnes – 4 km, and fairly steep... At this little lake was a “Tea lodge”, where you can have...... tea, and a bun or two, we duly followed this custom. The folks who run the lodge actually live at the site, and stock is helicopter in on a weekly basis. It rained a lot during our hike, but as it was fairly warm the rain was actually welcome.
After Lake Louise we moved on to our overnight hotel, at Emerald Lake, but en route we stopped at a place on Kicking Horse river called “Natural Bridge”, a place where the river flow has eroded the rocks and formed a ….... natural bridge, because of minerals from the hills the water is almost pure white – strange.
Our hotel at Emerald lake seems good, we have a lakeside cabin, unfortunately there a 5 or 6 whacking great trees between us and the water's edge, but I suppose that's just being hyper critical!