So here we are in extremely sunny Tenerife! The chillin' has begun already. Jan slipped up with her travel agent bit, she assured me that the flight was “about 2 hours 30 minutes”....... However the pilot had different ideas, “we will be arriving in Tenerife in approximately 4hours, and 40 minutes....” Oh how we laughed!
The drama began soon after we landed, whilst waiting for our transfer I realised that I'd left my glasses on the plane, sigh........I rushed to the Iberia airways desk, and after a phone call and a short wait the glasses appeared! Excellent service! I didn't even have to make a spectacle of myself!
Our hotel seems really good, built in a north African “Moorish” style, (the chocolate isn't the only thing “moreish” on this Island.....). A great breakfast this morning, a good view of the sea, and two nice pools, (one salt water).
We have been relaxing by one of these pools all morning, and now I'm a little bit “lobstery” - mad dogs and Englishmen!
“Ricky's bar and diner over the road served us a lovely spaghetti last night, and the local strawberries are especially good with ice cream. Later this afternoon we'll check some other likely eateries....
This blog may have to be without pictures, because I've realised I don't have my media card reader, if I can pick up one cheap we may have photos, otherwise you'll just have to use a little imagination.