Another good weather day and another great walk. We went west to Scollaway, (the second town on Shetland - which incidently is one of the bleakest places I've been to!) and then south to the little island/peninsula called West Burra - there is an East Burra, but curiously no Middle(s)burr…..
We parked up, crossed another beach/causeway and walked the Burra.
Whilst criss-crossing the peat bogs Jan spotted an otter! She was dead excited and we waited a while for the little critter to re-emerge from it's bolt hole, but that first fleeting glance was all we got.
Further round the island the cliffs got higher, the waves were bigger and the scenery was very dramatic.
At the end we paddled back across the beach and went for a late lunch…. except Scalloway was closed! The only cafe really was closed and the only hotel/restaurant l was deserted. We bought nibbles from the only shop and headed for Lerwick…
After a traditional Shetland salmon sandwich, (for me anyway!) I treated myself to a traditional Shetland woollen jumper, then it was Tescos and home!
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