Day 11 - Gothenberg! I practised my extensive conversational Swedish as we boarded the complimentary shuttle, “Abba”, “Volvo”, “Smorgasbord” - this last word may actually be Danish, but if I need to order a selection of cold meats and cheeses in a Swedish café, it might still be useful....
Gothenbrg is a nice place actually, wide pedestrian thoroughfares and plenty of athletic young Swedish ladies.... Jan bought some shoes and I admired the trams. There's a big “London Eye” type wheel, and we spent our last Krone on a few circuits, very pleasant. Had a pizza and salad in a cafe, (no “Smorgasbord” unfortunately, but still very pleasant), then back to the ship.
On the ship internet costs approx 60euros for an hour.....
In Gothenberg main station it is 1.5 euros an hour.......
On board entertainment tonight was the “East coast boys”, a show based on the story of Frankie Valli and the four seasons, it was really good! Toes were tapped...
The entertainment in the “Safari Bar” later was a real experience, it was a team game where the compere asked for each team to bring him various items, eg. “4 gent's belts”, or an example of a “ladies' tattoo”. As the night drew on the “items” became more outrageous, the final round required the teams to present a male dressed as a female beauty contest contestant – some blokes appeared in bras, underpants, with handbags, lipstick, the lot! I'm sure in the morning they won't believe they really behaved like that! We didn't join in, we just laughed!
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