What's it all about?...

This Blog is basically my ramblings whilst on holiday - an electronic postcard!

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Day 13: Escape from Alcatraz

Moving on again today, we left Carmel early and headed north on the Interstate 101, we had booked a trip to Alcatraz Island in San Francisco for 3:30 pm - it was the only time "slot" available, and so needed to be rid of our luggage and car in good time. 

San Francisco is a difficult place to drive around, 6 and 7 lanes of highway, overtaking from both sides, and lots and lots of traffic, we had a sat nav in our car, thank goodness for "Britney" the alter ego of the GPS!

Speaking of "Britney", the typical young Californian girl has a manner that really does take some getting used to: 
(To be spoken in a high, nasally whine, whilst chewing gum),
"I was like soooo totally bummed when I found out, he was like, nooo not me, but like, I was sooo not gonna believe him, even when , like, he like said it was Debbie, I'm like sooo gonna not see him again...."

 California girl.

We found the hotel, dropped off the car, caught a "street car" to the quayside and had loads of time, we even had a beer and bit of lunch before we caught the Alcatraz ferry...

 Getting closer...

Well, what a great experience... The prison island of Alcatraz is only a mile and a half off shore, but it is still very bleak and sinister. The cells where such inmates as Al Capone and the "bird man",  John Stroud, were kept were all still there to be seen, it really must have been a bleak and scary place to do one's porridge. A fascinating place to visit, I recommend it.

 One of the cell blocks.

 One of the cells.

 The "chokey", for the really bad lads, no furniture, no light, 24/7.

 Only a mile away from San Francisco.

Our hotel is in a very posh part of 'Frisco, the thing is, it's at the very top of a very steep hill - there are lots of very steep hills... The walk back was exhausting, the buses don't go that near and by the time we got to the room we were knackered, so we treated ourselves to "room service"!

Looking forward to tomorrow already!

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