We began the day with a walk around nearby Presido park, so hilly that it felt like a bit of a route march, the weather was very misty, apparently this can be typical of early mornings in these parts.
By mid morning we were off downtown to meet an old school friend of Jan's - Sally, who is in town for a few days, (pure coincidence), we have arranged to have lunch. Sally knows SF really well and took us to a great eaterie, the Cheese cake factory on the 7th floor of Macy's. We sat on the roof terrace, over indulged and caught up on news.
After a really pleasant time we said goodbye to Sally and ventured out to walk off our considerable meal!
Another of the famous SF "must sees" is the "crooked road", so we set off to find it. The walk was long and the weather was hot but the sights and sounds are always fascinating, I kept suggesting short cuts and diversions so we didn't lose height, but avoiding hills around here is impossible.
Some streets are just so steep that the planners give up and there is no vehicular access, only pedestrian steps, on one stretch of Lombard Street they have gone for the Alpine "switch back" solution - the road is a single lane twisty route about 200 yards long, with about 8 hairpins. The sun was shining directly at me as I tried to photograph, so it's not too clear, I've resorted to Google images once again...
One solution to steep hills...
The Lombard Street solution.
We had theatre tickets for the evening, and so decided to take the trolley bus from "Beach" back down town, by now it was rush hour and so it was the most crowded experience I've ever had, a sardine would have described his can as "roomy" in comparison, I could have raised my feet off the ground and still have been held upright! (Perhaps wisely, I didn't try this).
In the quest for some culture we had tickets for a show at the San Francisco Play house, we saw a musical called "Company". It was a good show and a nice experience, the Play house is a community based type theatre, very friendly and informal, we were pleased we went.
We're becoming good at the local transport, we caught the 3 bus from just round the block, and were back at the hotel, enjoying the complimentary cookie and coffee by 10:30. Footsore.
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